Tuesday, November 15, 2005

London - 27 October 2005

I had a week off between jobs in late October. This was a particularly warm autumn day and I spent the afternoon walking through Hyde Park and along the Thames taking a few photos.

This one is of The Serpentine in Hyde Park.

Unfortunately, I am back working again now..... Posted by Picasa

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The Serpentine, Hyde Park. Posted by Picasa

Hyde Park, London Posted by Picasa

The view towards Vauxhall Bridge over the Thames Posted by Picasa

The setting sun over Westminster Bridge Posted by Picasa

The London Eye (or at least a bit of it) Posted by Picasa

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The Thames at dusk Posted by Picasa

St Paul's from the Millenium Bridge Posted by Picasa

St Paul's with the Millennium Bridge on the right Posted by Picasa

Blackfriars bridge in front of St Paul's Posted by Picasa

The London Eye Posted by Picasa

Westminster Bridge Posted by Picasa

The Thames. Posted by Picasa

Millbank, London Posted by Picasa

Germany - September 2005

We spent 5 days in Germany in late September with Jeremy and Jackie starting in Berlin and ending in Munich for Oktoberfest visiting Leipzig and Heidelberg along the way. It was a great few days... lots of sightseeing, beer, rain, pork and driving.

This is Berlin taken from the Berlin Dome. Quite a beautiful city (like all the places we visited) and two days was definately not enough. Looking forward to heading back there sometime soon.... Posted by Picasa

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An angel on the Berlin Dome. Posted by Picasa

The Brandenburg Gate, Berlin. Posted by Picasa

The Brandenburg Gate, Berlin Posted by Picasa

Moving tributes to East Berliners who were killed trying to cross into the west. It's very difficult to imagine what a different place this would've been only 15 years ago. Posted by Picasa

"What the....." Posted by Picasa

The Reichstag, Berlin. Posted by Picasa

JS Bach worked and lived in Leipzig for over 25 years at St Thomas's church and composed many of his great works there. Posted by Picasa