Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Prague, Christmas 2005

We spent 5 days in Prague over Christmas 2005 and what a beautify city. Another place that we can't wait to visit again, maybe in the summer. We had great weather though, a mixture of sunshine and snow. Stayed in a great hotel, went to the opera, a jazz club and walked the town.
This picture is of the Charles Bridge on the Vltava River (there are quite a few pictures of this bridge!) Posted by Picasa

We'd a great time catching up with Al and Dave on Christmas Eve; a short stroll across the city then straight to the pub for some good Czech beer. Posted by Picasa

Main gates to Prague Castle, complete with violent statues Posted by Picasa

St Vitus's Cathedral, Prague Castle Posted by Picasa

View of the Church of St Nicholas from the roof of the Aria Hotel Posted by Picasa

Sarah and Tim rugged up on a cold, clear evening on the Charles Bridge with Prague Castle in the background Posted by Picasa

Church of our Lady before Tyn Posted by Picasa

Sarah at the christmas markets Posted by Picasa

Christmas markets at the Old Town Square Posted by Picasa

Charles Bridge at night Posted by Picasa

Sarah and Prague castle all lit up Posted by Picasa

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Sarah in front of the Vltava river and Prague Castle Posted by Picasa

It's not cold... really... Posted by Picasa

The Old Town Square, the Astronomical Clock on the left and the Church of Our Lady before Tyn in the background Posted by Picasa

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Prague from the clock tower at the Old Town Square Posted by Picasa

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Church of Our Lady before Tyn Posted by Picasa

Christmas at the Old Town Square Posted by Picasa

Sarah and Tim at the Vltava River with Prague Castle in the background Posted by Picasa

Icy steps Posted by Picasa

The Vltava River Posted by Picasa

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View of the Vltava river and the Charles Bridge from Kampa Island Posted by Picasa